The Girls

The Girls

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Formal dance pictures!

The girls had their formal dance pictures taken May 15.  This is quite an ordeal - a solid 3 hours of Gramma and Momma doing hair, make up, and changing the girls into a whole variety of dance outfits.  The girls looked adorable.

TCM 1 mile!

Gramma, Papa, the girls, and I ran the Twin Cities Marathon 1-mile on Thursday, May 12.  The race states that all participants must maintain a 13 minute per mile or better pace.  I was a little concerned the girls would not be able to maintain that pace but thought we would give it a shot.

It was a rainy and not very nice weather day.  The race was set to start at 6:50 and we got to the start at 6:35. The girls were excited and did not complain at all about the drizzling rain.  Gramma, Momma, and the girls wore matching bright pink shirts.  Papa opted out of pink and wore black.  When the gun went off, the girls were SO excited.  I made sure they didn't go out too fast and we started at a nice slow pace.  We passed the quarter mile mark at about 2:45 so we were in good time.  Brynn took off ahead of us and could have gone much faster but I kept yelling at her to stay within sight.  EVERYONE wanted to high five Bria and tell her what a great job she was doing - she was by far the smallest child on the course (this is really an adult event).  Brynn finished in slightly under 11 minutes and Bria finished in slightly under 12 minutes.  I was very proud of them!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend - Mother's Day!

We went to Kozlak's Restaurant for Mother's Day brunch.  We had a wonderful brunch and a great time with Gramma and Papa.  We are so lucky to have such great grandparents!

Mother's Day Weekend - Tech Trek Treasure Hunt!

Saturday morning we came back to Brynn's school for the first annual Tech Trek Treasure Hunt.  It was SUCH a beautiful day out.  The event was schedule from 9 until 11 but there was no way to finish all the activities within 2 hours.  We left a little after noon to race to swim lessons for the girls (yes, it is possible you overscheduled when your kids are changing into swim suits in the car to try to be ready for swim lessons!).  At the Tech Trek, we did a nature walk, went geocaching, looked in big trucks, took a family photo, and learned about classroom technology.

Mother's Day Weekend - Waterpark!

We went to a waterpark with Gramma and Papa for Mother's Day weekend.  We went there Friday afternoon and spent Friday and Saturday night there.  The girls love water so, not surprisingly, had a great time.  The room we had was amazingly spacious and great for the five of us.

Easter Weekend - More Easter Egg Hunting!

Then on to an Easter egg hunt at Gramma and Papa's.  Followed by an Easter egg hunt at Daddy's.  Wow the girls had a lot of eggs to find.

Easter Weekend - Dressed for Easter!

We dressed in our Easter finest to meet Gramma and Papa for church service and then go to Easter brunch.  The girls love wearing Easter bonnets and gloves and carrying their Easter purses.

Easter Weekend - Easter Morning!

The girls were so excited when they woke up Easter morning.  Brynn came running to my room to tell me that the Easter bunny came and there were eggs EVERYWHERE.  We immediately embarked on our Easter egg hunt.